Start the journey toward the Light of Knowledge.

Nibras Day School (NDS) is a private full-time Islamic school that integrates the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, embraces foundational Islamic principles, and aligns with Pennsylvania and National Common Core Academic Standards.

NDS currently enrolling from Pre-K to Grade 2.

Please visit Application Process to start your admission process.

Vision & Mission

Light upon light. Allāh guides to His light whom He wills.

[Surah An-Nūr:35]

Allāh will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees.

[Surah Al-Mujādila:11]

NDS wants to prepare the next generation of American Muslims to be well rounded, equipped with a strong Islamic identity, leadership skills, and academic excellence so that they can make a positive contribution to the global community.

  • Exemplify a strong Islamic identity and love for Islam.

  • Exhibit character traits, values, and morals that are aligned with the teachings of Islam.

  • Demonstrate the ability and desire to properly perform their basic spiritual duties of the Pillars of Islam.

  • Obtain academic skills that exceed state education standards in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

  • Develop basic proficiency in Qur’anic and Islamic Studies.

  • Have the basis to develop strong verbal and written communication skills.

  • Focus on developing critical thinking and problem solving skills.

  • Maintain a strong sense of physical well-being and the practice of healthy habits.

Our Students Will